
Resignation Email Subject Line Examples

If you are doing your resignation via email then it is always important to get the subject line just right so that even before the recipient opens or reads the email that

they know what the email will be about.

This prepares the recipient and also cuts to the chase so that they understand the email and how best to deal with it including processing your termination from the company.

Don’t forget to wish them well for the future.

email resignation subjects

Make sure you still structure the email as you would in a letter with your final working day, the date of today that you are handing your notice in, a brief reason if you do want to tell your employers why you are leaving and to thank your employers for providing you with the experience and opportunity that they have. Don’t forget to wish them well for the future.

Some example subject lines are listed below which you can adapt to suit your own circumstances.
  • Resignation
  • My Resignation
  • Resignation from the position of XXXX
  • Further to our conversation regarding my resignation from the position of XXX
  • Resignation effective from DATE
  • Please accept my resignation from the position of XXXX
  • Resignation / YOUR NAME / DEPARTMENT
  • Resignation / DATE
  • Resignation / Date / Your Name
  • Name / Resignation effective from DATE, last working day DATE
Some of the subject examples will depend on the Tier 2 Sponsor List Companies that you work for. The bigger the company, you will have more procedures to follow when handing your notice in so your subject title could reflect this greatly. If it’s a smaller company, then you will probably operate on a day to day basis in a less formal manner so you will need to judge accordingly but the above as some examples that you could use and adapt to most scenarios. You can always choose to talk to your employer on the phone before sending an email just to let them know about your plans. Most people would choose to quit their job by sending a printed letter via post to make it look more formal but email will also do the job for you. Resignation Letter Examples: 1- Formal Resignation Letter With Reason 2- Formal Resignation Letter Example With Two Weeks’ Notice 3- Resignation Letter Example Without Notice Period

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