
Programmer CV Example

If you are a Programmer seeking a new role then it is time to update your CV to ensure that you have your latest skills on your CV for an employer to see.

Employers will be looking at what languages you can program in and for how long you have used these and to what level of experience you have. They will also be keen to see what other types of projects you have worked on and whether there are any similarities in the role that they are recruiting for.

If you are looking for an example of how best to write your CV, please see the below example CV which you can use as your guide.

Programmer CV Example

Name Surname
Mobile No/Email


I am a technical It professional with a keen interest in programming and developing. I enjoy being able to take a concept and make it come alive through the work that I have done, programming a system from conception to delivery.

I enjoy working to new challenges and understand that as part of my role, I often have to work to tight deadlines so some long hours are required as and when. I enjoy working on my own initiative but also enjoy working with other colleagues to ensure that a project comes together during the correct timeframe and that any changes have been made as needed when the program has been tested.

I am enthusiastic and self motivated, I like to get involved in my programs so that I understand them in depth and can explain these to my colleagues and clients. I feel that I have excellent communication skills.


Date to Date or To Date – Programmer – Where?

In my role as a Programmer, I program new systems and software for my company. My responsibilities include:

  • Discussing new systems/software that needs to be programmed
  • Timetable for the project with specifics
  • Working with other colleagues to ensure programs are tested along the way
  • Updating skills for new versions and ways of programming
  • Training clients and others on what you have programmed and how it all works
  • Updating company manuals on how systems work and should be used
  • Maintaining company logs for any new creations and changes to show detailed plans.


University, College, School – For all include titles/subjects and qualifications.


Computer skills – MS Office, Excel???
Any specific training that you have been on that would be of interest?
What programming languages do you use? List and say what level of experience you have and for how long.


What do you like to do outside of work?


Available on request.

programmer cv example

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