
ICT Technician Cover Letter Example

Cover letter example for an ICT Technician job in the UK. You should amend this letter example as suitable first before using it for your job applications.

ICT Technician job application letter example

Jane Brown
101 Any Road, Every Town, XX1 1YY

Mr John Smith
ABC Company
All Streets
Any Town


Dear Mr Smith

Position of ICT Technician

I read about the advertised position of ICT Technician with interest and enclose my CV for your consideration.

You will see that I have several years of experience in providing IT helpdesk support and installing and repairing IT equipment at client sites. I have received praise from a number of clients for my work rate, efficiency and ability to explain technical issues that will allow them to undertake some IT monitoring and correction themselves.

If you are looking for an IT professional who can problem solve, build positive customer relationships and focus on results, I believe that I am your ideal candidate. I have a genuine enthusiasm for technology and am committed to developing my knowledge and keeping up-to-date continuously.

I have a few initial questions about the role so I shall call your office within the next few days to check if I may have an informal discussion with you. I would be delighted to attend for interview and look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely

Jane Brown

ICT Technician Cover Letter Example

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