
What is a Certificate of Sponsorship, and How to Get It?

Have you completed your studies and now trying to set up your career in the UK? 

Do you know the specific requirements for getting a job in Britain?

And what is a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS)?

Also, how to get a certificate of sponsorship to work seamlessly in the UK with no legal obligations?

To write a CV to apply for UK jobs, you need to know about UK CV templates for skilled workers in the UK.

A Certificate of Sponsorship is crucial for non-British job applicants to get a work visa in the UK. Hence, to settle your career abroad, you must be a skilled worker and fulfil every legal requirement.

Certificate of Sponsorship Examples

What is a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS)?

A Certificate of Sponsorship is an electronic document issued by a UK-based employer that confirms their will to sponsor you to work for them. CoS carries a unique reference number, which is required to apply for a work visa so that you can join the organisation. 

You will need CoS to apply for any of the following visas-

  • Visa for skilled workers
  • Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) visa
  • Temporary Worker visa
  • Student visa
what is certificate of sponsorship

A Certificate of Sponsorship includes the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Passport Details
  • Job Title and Description
  • Work Hours and Remuneration

So, a Certificate of Sponsorship ensures you have fulfilled all criteria to get a work visa for employment in a UK-based company. You must apply for the visa within three months of the issue of your CoS. 

Types of Certificate of Sponsorship:

Certificates of Sponsorship are defined via four Tiers, i.e., Tier 2 to Tier 5. The Tier determines the type of occupation and the minimum salary. Two types of certificates of Sponsorship are available in the UK:

  • Restricted Certificates of Sponsorship 
  • Unrestricted Certificates of Sponsorship. 

Get Tier 2 sponsor list here n case you want to look at it.

What is a Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship?

A Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship is issued for the jobs under the Shortage Occupation List. It means skilled workers for particular types of occupations are not available in the UK resident labour market. 

A few Restricted CoS are issued every month. So, applicants with the highest point scores can only get a work visa with a Defined Certificate of Sponsorship. It fulfils the following criteria –

  • The visa is for skilled workers.
  • The job should be under the shortage occupation list.
  • The minimum annual salary should be £155,300.
  • The Employee can switch jobs within the UK and EU. 

What are Unrestricted Certificates of Sponsorship?

Unrestricted Certificates of Sponsorship are issued for migrant workers to get a sponsored occupation under Tier 2. The organisation issues Unrestricted CoS and does not require them to apply to the Home Office for permission. It is given under the following circumstances –

  • The job does not match the shortage occupation code.
  • The minimum wage under a Tier 2 visa is £25,600 per year.
  • Workers can switch jobs in the Tier 2 category within the country.

They will get sponsorship to work in Ph.D.-level roles.

How to Get a Certificate of Sponsorship in the UK?

How to get a Certificate of Sponsorship in the UK

The first criterion to get a CoS is a job offer from a UK employer registered with the Home Office as a licensed sponsor. So you may need CV writing services in the UK first to apply for UK jobs. The employer will apply for CoS on your behalf with the employment details. You need to provide all required documents and fees (If required).

For a Restricted Certificate of Sponsorship, your employer has to apply to the Home Office for permission. The Home office of the UK then determines whether your application and the quality of the job match all requirements of the UK’s immigration rules. Also, a defined Certificate of Sponsorship usually has high demand because of limited availability. So you must get over 70 ‘points’ to get it.

Once your employer gets your Certificate of Sponsorship, they will send you the unique reference number. You can get it via SMS or download it from the Management System portal of the organisation. Use this number to apply for a work visa within three months of your CoS issue date. 

So, now you understand what is a certificate of sponsorship UK visa and how you can get it to settle your career abroad. Let’s focus on its purpose.

Purpose of a Certificate of Sponsorship:

  • CoS confirms the wish of your employer to sponsor you.
  • It ensures the job application fulfils all the relevant immigration requirements.
  • It establishes a firm agreement with the terms and conditions for the job role. 
  • Getting a work visa in the UK is mandatory to enter and work in the country. 

The Bottom Line

A Certificate of Sponsorship is the ticket to a lucrative career abroad. You can apply for jobs based on your skill level and determine whether you are eligible for a restricted or unrestricted CoS. Review job requirements and start applying. Once you know your Certificate of Sponsorship number, you can apply for a work visa immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does it take for CoS to be issued?

The Home Department usually approves an application for a Certificate of Sponsorship within one working day. However, it may take more time in case of a requirement for further inquiries.

The charge to issue your Certificate of Sponsorship is £199. Also, some additional charges may be levied based on your type of application.

4. Is it easy to get sponsorship jobs in the UK?

If the job applicants will perform fulfills the requirements for their visa or has an appropriate rate of payment and skill level, the employer may sponsor the applicant.

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