
Training Officer Cover Letter Example

If you have been working in Training you could be looking for the next step up as Training Officer or you could be looking to break into Training. As a Training officer you would be responsible for delivering training on various topics depending on your area of expertise and what the company provide training on and you would work closely with the students or delegates.

You will need to be an expert in communicating with others and being able to relate to other people and pass on valuable information which they have come to learn from your training course. You will also need to be involved in the training course content and understand it thoroughly to be able to train well on it.

Related: Training Manager Cover Letter


Trainee officers can earn between £15,000 to £20,000 a year.

Experienced officers can earn between £20,000 and £30,000 a year.

Senior officers can earn up to £35,000 a year.

If you have found a role in which you want to apply for, please see the below example cover letter which you can use as a guideline.

Training Officer Cover Letter Example

training officer cover letter

Julie Brown
222 Every Road, Any Town, AA1 1BB
Mrs Jane Smith
ABC Company
All Streets
Any Town


Dear Mrs Smith

Application for the role of Training Officer

I would like to apply for the role of Training Officer which you have advertised in (which publication, when and any job reference).

I have always had a keen interest in training since I first began going on training courses and would like to continue my career in training and I am part way through my CPD qualification. To date I have been involved in processing training materials and putting them together, dealing with the students coming in for training and doing all the general administration associated with this.

I feel that I have excellent communication skills and a lot of experience of dealing with students and helping and advising them along the way. I am a very organised and dedicated individual who works very hard to be successful.

I am keen to progress in my career choice in Training and happy to do any courses and training that is needed. Please find enclosed my up to date CV. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to answer any questions for you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Good luck.

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