
50+ Strength based Interview Questions Which UK Employers may Ask

During a job interview, recruiters frequently ask strength based interview questions. Each employer has a set of requirements or abilities they look for in a potential hire. This article aims to help you with ideas for strength based interviews question. Additionally, you will discover some questions to prepare with solid responses here. But first, candidates should understand the need for strength based questions in competency-based interviews. You will understand it if you get brief ideas on such question types. Let’s know about it, and then we will discover some questions for the recruitment process.

What are strength based interview questions?

What are strength-based questions in an interview?

Interview questions that are based on your strengths assess your innate abilities. These interview questions highlight your body language, skills, and potential for success in the position rather than your technical expertise or proficiency. These questions also try to discover what motivates you the most at work. Also, if you want to find out about CV writing services, click here.

Such competency-based interview questions are asked by employers, so they are aware of your abilities and goals. After that, they can match your natural abilities and interests with a job that suits you. Some of the examples are—

What is the biggest achievement you have had in your previous job?

How do you keep yourself motivated at work?

Don’t worry; you will learn more strength based interviewing questions in this blog later. Now, let’s understand what exactly can be assessed through strength based questions. Meanwhile, click here to learn more about the importance of a cv for internship.

What can someone assess by asking strength based interview questions?

What can someone assess by asking strength-based interview questions?

Strengths-based interviews are seen to be a better approach to assessing a job candidate’s potential in the future. Notably, the interview questions used in this strategy are more intimate. The assessment exercises aim to learn:

  • If you are the most suitable candidate for the position.
  • What natural abilities does the candidate possess?
  • Not simply whether you can do it or not but also how well you are likely to perform the task.
  • If the job role would inspire and encourage you.
  • Your everyday actions, such as how you react to situations you might encounter on the job.
  • How probable is it that you will remain on the job despite untoward circumstances?

It is a fact that once you know the reason for asking the question in an interview, it becomes easier to prepare yourself for the next interview. Candidates should be aware of the interview setting by equipping themselves with the questions. And, thus this blog will be helpful for them. So far, we hope you have learned a brief about the strength based interview questions, isn’t it? 

Now, it is time to discover why recruiters ask competency-based questions. The more you learn, you can make a to-do list to prepare yourself for the interview in advance. So, the below passage is all about it. Also, if you want to understand more about the Liverpool airport jobs, click here.

Why does a potential employer choose to ask competency-based interviews question?

It is a fact that strength based interview questions can help employers to find the basic ability of the candidates. No one knows how to judge success, isn’t it? So, this approach is followed by the belief that recruiters should choose graduates who will love the work, be able to exploit their abilities and feel free to be themselves at work. This might be useful for assessing a candidate who has limited prior job experience.

Strength based interviews could also give recruiters and candidates a more natural and unscripted experience. In some cases, they can assist employers, such as relationship management, in determining if a candidate would be motivated in their position and predicting how applicants may react in various situations.

Even sometimes recruiters wonder to discover how your coworkers cum friends describe you. It is a fact that every company has a list of qualities or abilities they look for in a potential hire. They often develop scenario-based questions to learn more about your instant handling skills. You will get the job if you have the appropriate knowledge and expertise that employers seek.

They often look for someone who can cope with the company’s culture besides their work talents. Now that you know the reason or the motive for the employers to ask the strength based interview questions, it is time to discover some questions. Meanwhile, do you want to knowWhat Questions to Ask After An Interview?click here.

What are the most common strength based interview questions?

What are the most common strength-based interview questions?

Do you think only good academic background will help you get a job? The answer is partial yes. We hope you already know the reason by now, as recruiters not only look up to your academic talents. They also look for a candidate who can handle any situation in the office. It is the reason candidates are expected to answer questions honestly. You will find several sample questions for a strength based interview in Google.

As said earlier, this blog will help you learn some strength based interview questions that most employers ask. We hope the question will help you prepare generic responses. So, let’s discover some questions here in the below passage—-

What are your proudest achievements in life?

What would the successful day entail for you?

What would you pick if you had to choose between double-checking data and making a presentation?

When do you feel most innovative?

What drives you forward in life?

What would you say about success?

What could you do to assist a coworker having trouble making many difficult choices?

Do you work best under pressure or in a relaxed environment?

Do you believe you have any weaknesses? Describe them.

When looking for a new career, what concerns the most to you?

What was your best professional experience in life? Why?

Do you typically complete every work you set for yourself in a single day?

Why you think that you are qualified for this job role?

Do you find deadlines to be a source of inspiration or fear?

What would you do to assist a colleague who was finding it challenging to decide on a complicated matter?

What would you like better: starting a task or finishing one?

What skill do you particularly excel at?

What did you like most to do when you were young?

What jobs do you naturally best at?

How can a project’s success be determined?

What you enjoy doing the most in your spare time?

How can you encourage self-awareness among employees at work?

What future potential do you have to propel you into a senior role?

What better idea would you provide your colleague to complete the task?

Which activity do you find the least enjoyable?

How trustworthy are you at keeping your word?

Do you believe you have enough time to finish your list of tasks?

Who is the person you most admire? It might be anyone.

What piqued your interest: this job role or our business?

What do you enjoy most about teamwork?

What kind of learner are you?

What area of your life would you like to change the most?

Which activities do you find to be exhausting?

When given another chance, have you tried anything different?

How do you handle the pressure?

What do you believe your biggest challenge in this position would be?

What keeps you energized at work?

What motivates you?

How do you solve design issues?

Do you think that to lead, you need to be an expert in something?

Would you say that you have good listening skills?

How do you react to circumstances when you work with people you don’t get along with?

Do you believe that this position will appeal to your strengths? How?

What would your close friends say about you?

Would you break the law to complete the task?

How to stay motivated?

What did you like studying the most in school?

Do others characterize you as being well-organized?

When looking for a new career, what matters the most to you?

Which would you prefer: working alone or in a team?

Do you believe you have enough time to finish your list of tasks?

Hiring managers frequently begin interviews with basic inquiries about your background and interests to get the conversation going and help you feel more at ease during the interview. We thus expect that the above questions may aid in your preparation for strength based interviews. After reading this, you might be thinking about how to be ready for the interviews, isn’t it? You should understand what the recruiters are looking for to prepare for strength based interview questions.

What qualities can grab an employer’s attention in strength based interviews?

Employers will inquire about one or more specific qualities in their interviews. They will also look for particular traits, values, abilities, and behaviours. These are the requirements that have been set forth as being essential for the candidate to succeed in the job role—-

  • Dedication.
  • Stability.
  • The capacity to learn knowledge fast.
  • Ability to pick up a subject or skill quickly.
  • The skill to gain clients’ trust.
  • Gaining the trust of coworkers.
  • Relationship management.

It is a fact that once you know the employer’s motive for asking strength based interview questions, it becomes simpler to prepare for the responses. So, we hope the above passage will be helpful to you. Now, you might be thinking about how to answer strength based questions.

How can you get ready for strengths-based interview questions?

How can you get ready for strengths-based interview questions?

Avoid over-prepare for an interview because the interviewer wants you to be genuine in your responses. One question will be followed by another, occasionally in quick succession, by the interviewer. So, here are some suggestions you can use:

Analyze your strengths

Consider your strengths so you may discuss them with confidence. Pulling out your talents can be accomplished by responding to the following questions and observing the patterns. Keep in mind that being honest will assist you in determining whether the job is suitable for you.

A reasonable approach

Determine your academic talents, then practise bringing them to mind. You should take the same action when discovering your skills in other areas. Look at your social achievements, volunteer work, hobbies, and areas of interest.

Adapt your strengths to the job’s needs

An employer’s desired traits may be listed in a job post. Make a list of your strengths and think of ways you may benefit the company. Recognize your talents and how they might assist you in achieving success.

Do some research on the interviewer

Try to find out the names of the persons you will be interviewing. Search for similar professional connections such as school, employment history, or coworkers by looking up the person’s background on Google or professional social networking sites like LinkedIn. It will be simpler to prepare your own questions and predict prospective areas of inquiry if you know their professional background and hobbies.

Think about how you will market yourself

Think carefully before the interview about the unique qualities and achievements you may highlight to help the prospective employer meet their issues.

Don’t memorize your answers

Instead of memorizing an answer, you should focus on understanding your strength. Natural reactions that occur to you somewhat spontaneously need to be developed. It is true that once you are aware of your strength, you will be confident automatically while answering the questions.


You may not always be able to respond to strength based interview questions with planned and rehearsed responses. You need a solid understanding of your strengths, principles, routines, characteristics, and flaws. Spend some time becoming comfortable responding to the typical inquiries listed above. You will be able to respond to inquiries of this nature efficiently as you have a deeper awareness of your character qualities. Additionally, a strong Resume will help you get an interview chance. Overall, you must highlight your strengths and effectively present yourself if you want to land a decent job.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do hiring managers evaluate you with the strength based interview questions?

Typically, recruiters will have a list of qualities they want to test each candidate on before the interview, and every question will be related to one of those strengths. Some strength based inquiries will deal with the knowledge, principles, traits, and conduct necessary to choose a qualified applicant.

2. Who conducts strength based evaluations and interviews?

Banks and other service-related businesses have traditionally utilized strength-based interview questions, but this is changing. Many more significant companies are adopting a similar strategy, with further studies demonstrating the advantages.

3. What differentiates situational and strength based interviewing techniques?

Instead of strength-based interview questions that focus on preferences, strengths, and work styles, situational interview questions ask candidates to provide instances of their experiences.

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