As a Recruitment Manager you will be responsible for selecting the right candidates for your company. You will be working with your Director and producing reports about the recruitment and selection process.
Main duties: Producing, or overseeing the production of appropriate job descriptions. Placing the adverts for the available vacancies within the company. You will make sure that you choose the right platform to advertise the vacancies. You will set up processes to filter the applications received for the job, call successful candidates to arrange interviews and verify the qualifications of applicants was correct. You will also make sure that the candidate have the right to work in the country and have suitable references.
As a Manager you will be leading your recruitment team to ensure that the company has great people to work with.
You can use this covering letter as an example for yours. You should amend it as required before sending it to the employers.
Related: Recruitment Consultant Cover Letter
Cover Letter for Recruitment Manager
Claire Mayer
222 Every Road, Any Town, AA1 1BB
Mrs Jane Smith
ABC Company
All Streets
Any Town
Dear HR Manager
Position of Customer Services Assistant – Ref: 123456
I have included my CV for your consideration with reference to your current vacancy of Customer Service Assistant. Within my previous employment, I spent two years working in a customer services department at a building society. This involved answering the telephone to customers and resolving their queries and problems. There was also some email work too. Some customers were easier to deal with than others but my training and natural tact and politeness helped me to successfully help all of them.
I was required to use a computer database to access customer details and also did a selection of company specific software training courses while in the job. I was quick to learn and therefore feel confident in dealing with other IT systems.
During my two years of work, I studied for an NVQ in customer services and have now completed level 2. I am planning to progress to level 3 when the new course starts.
Many thanks for your time in considering my application, and I hope to hear back from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Applicant Name
Good luck!
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