
Payroll Administrator CV Example

In the role of a Payroll Administrator it is your responsibility to ensure that people are paid on time and accurately taking into account any additions

and deductions so accuracy is essential for this role.  If you are looking to update your CV and want an example CV, please see below for you to use as a guide:

CV Example: Payroll Administrator

Name Surname
Mobile No/Email


In my role as a Payroll Administrator, I ensure that I am very organized, writing detailed lists of the work that I have to undertake so as not to make any mistakes or leave anything out. I am seeking to continue my career in this area and would like to undertake some more training and continue in the future to be a Payroll Manager.

My background in (name what you have been doing and how it is relevant) allows me to learn quickly and pay attention to detail. I am very accurate and understand the importance of this and that I have a big responsibility dealing with anything financial.

I am an excellent communicator and feel that I am able to explain carefully to colleagues about their payslip and how it is worked out. I deal with a number of payroll related queries every month and manage to resolve them successfully.


Date to Date or To Date – Payroll Administrator – Where?

In my role as a Payroll Administrator, I calculate employees pay including holidays, sickness, bonuses etc and ensure that they are paid on time and accurately.  My day to day responsibilities include:

  • checking how many hours employees have worked and calculating this to make up their month’s pay. This can include overtime and under time.
  • calculating and issuing pay by BACS transfer
  • deducting tax and national insurance payments and any student loans deductions etc
  • processing holiday, sick and maternity pay and expenses, bonuses, staff deductions
  • calculating overtime, shift payments and pay increases
  • answering staff queries about timesheets or pay slips
  • printing off pay slips and handing them out or sending to relevant office to be handed out
  • issuing P45s and other tax forms eg: P60 every year.


School, College, University – any qualification details and where.


Computer skills – MS Office, Excel??? – Think about the records you will be keeping and how this will be done, using a computer and/or manually.
Any payroll software used – name here and usage


What do you like to do outside of work?


Available on request.

Payroll Administrator CV Example


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Robert Miles
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