
Financial Advisor Cover Letter Example

Free Financial Advisor example can be used for your job application in Finance industry. You should amend this letter sample as suitable before using it for yourself.

Financial Advisor Cover Letter Example
Jane Brown
101 Any Road, Every Town, XX1 1YY

Mr John Smith
ABC Company
All Streets
Any Town


Dear Mr Smith

I am interested in the post of Financial Advisor, advertised on XYZ website this week, and enclose my CV for consideration.

Throughout my career, I have gained considerable experience in successfully presenting and selling effective financial solutions to clients. I consider myself to be an ethical and astute financial advisor who operates with integrity and honesty at all times. My approach is to provide a quality service that enables customers to have the confidence to come back for more advice at a later date.

I can engage with different kinds of people, regardless of whether the event is formal or informal, and have excellent presentation and negotiating skills. I believe that I am capable of exceeding the requirements of this role and would like to be given the chance to contribute to ABC Company’s success.

I am interested in finding out more and will phone in a few days to check if I can have an informal discussion with you about the post. In the meantime, you can contact me on (phone number) or at (e-mail address).

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely

Jane Brown

Cover Letter for a Financial Advisor

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