
School Nurse CV Example

A School nurse is someone who specialises in children’s health working either in a school setting or visits lots of schools. A school nurse will look after children and any problems they may have during school time. A School nurse will need to look after any injections or treatment that the children need during their time at school and will be responsible for their health and wellbeing.

A nurse or any kind will always need to be fully qualified with the correct amount of experience in the area that they are working in. As a nurse you will also need to be aware of the safety precautions of working around children and to have an up to date CRB check.

If you are in the process of applying for a job, please see the below CV example which you can use as a guide:

Related: School Nurse Cover Letter

School Nurse CV Example

Name Surname
Mobile No/Email


I am a caring and professional nurse who enjoys working with children and helping them with any problems of health they may have. I have spent many years treating children of all ages from injections to diagnosing problems they are having and helping them to manage illnesses such as diabetes and asthma.

I am an excellent communicator and I find it easy to communicate with children of all ages and to give them they time that they need to overcome any problems or issues that they may be having. I think allowing children to communicate and express themselves is also very important so I find being a good listener is a big part of my role as School Nurse.

I am self motivated and confident in my work and I want to learn new skills to improve my skills for the needs of my patients. I have a confidential nature and pay great attention to detail at all times.


Date to Date or To Date – School Nurse– Where?

In my role as School Nurse, I take care of pupils at X school with an age range of X-X. My responsibilities include:

Assessing children’s health on joining the school
Keep pupils records up to date
Give injections as required to pupils
Treat any illnesses that pupils may have
Monitor the pupils medication and review
Arrange for any follow up review meetings that pupils may need
Attend training sessions relevant to the pupils.


University, College, School – For all include titles/subjects and qualifications.


Apart from the nursing qualifications and experience that you have already done, think about what other skills and abilities that you have. Any training that they could be interested in? Any specific work with children in the past including an up to date CRB check etc.

Any IT skills for any paperwork, records that you may be required to do whilst on duty.


What do you like to do outside of work?


Available on request.

school nurse cv example

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