
Medical Assistant Cover Letter Example

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Cover Letter Example – Medical Assistant

Jane Doe
1 High Street
Small Town

Mr Brown
Laboratory Manager
ABC Healthcare
Riverside Business Park
Big City, AB12 3CD

Dear Mr Brown:

Further to our telephone call last week, I contact you regarding the open medical assistant position with ABC Healthcare. I believe that my background in medical and healthcare services and my education in biomedical sciences will allow me to be a brilliant candidate to fill your vacancy.

With five years of experience working across a broad range of medical settings, including histology, clinical trials and in hospital laboratories, I feel I am ready for a new learning experience elsewhere. I have acquired a very broad set of skills as you will see from my CV, but these are skills that can be applied to a variety of roles. I am dedicated to my job as a medical assistant and I have a strong passion for improving my skills and knowledge.

If you wish to further discuss my CV or schedule me in for an interview, please contact me at 07770707070. I look forward to meeting you to further discuss the medical assistant employment opportunities with ABC Healthcare.


Jane Doe

Enclosure: CV

Medical Assistant Cover Letter

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