
Long Term Unemployed CV Example

If you have been in the unfortunate position of being unemployed for a long period of time then getting back into the world of work is quite a difficult achievement. You will need to be very dedicated and enthusiastic towards returning to work and do what you can in way of training and updating your skills and experiences to make you attractive to employers.

Start by updating your CV and being very clear within your CV and also in your covering letter about your reason for such a long period of unemployment and outline what you have done to try and change this so that you can return back to work. Also, if you want to get some examples of CV for part-time job, click here.

Please see the below example CV and what needs to be included to help you get back into a job:

Long Term Unemployed CV Example

Long Term Unemployed CV Example

Name Surname
Mobile No/Email


I am a mature and responsible person who is seeking a career in (what area or what job?). Due to (what is the reason for a long period of unemployment eg:) being made redundant from my last position, I have had a period of being unemployed whilst searching for a new role.

During this time I have done online courses as listed below and have tried to improve my skills and experiences through attending courses and practising my skills. I am a very organized and efficient person who enjoys working and I am very keen to get back into a career that I enjoy.

I am self motivated, enthusiastic and dedicated to my work. I like to improve myself for the benefit of my employer and myself and am willing to learn anything to help my skills for a company.


Date to Date or To Date – JOB TITLE – Where?

In my role as (JOB TITLE), I did (list 2 or 3 things that you did in your last role). My responsibilities include:

  • Any experience of typing or computer work
  • Any general office experience – filing, faxing, photocopying, dealing with the post
  • Communication skills – liaising with others
  • Meetings – ever been part of meetings where you have had to take minutes
  • A hands on role – warehouse experience or more specialized?


University, College, School – For all include titles/subjects and qualifications.


Computer skills – MS Office, Excel??? Anything relevant, industry specific packages?
What training have you been doing to try and improve your skills?


What do you like to do outside of work?


Available on request.

Good luck.

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