
Government Revenues Officer Cover Letter Example

If you have found a role as a Local government revenues officer then you should have a background in Customer Service, Administrative or Finance as these backgrounds as more suited to this role.

This role involves dealing with ensuring that council tax and council property rents are collected on time and dealing with any arrears or non-payments. A big part of this role will be administratively based in terms of sending out letters, bills, but you will also be required to discuss details with people on the telephone, face to face or by any other methods of communication.

If you feel that you are able to do this effectively then the below covering letter could be a guide as to help when making your application.

Cover Letter Example: Government Officer

Dear Sir/Madam,

Application for a Local Government Revenues Officer

I would like to apply for the role of Local Government Revenues Officer which I have seen advertised in (where and when).

I have had previous experience of dealing with customers from a utility company which entailed sending out bills, making any revisions, dealing with any queries, ensuring payments are made, taking payment over the telephone and internet etc.

I feel that the role I have done to date has made me very organised and customer focused and feel that I would be able to transfer over to this kind of role. From my research, I have an understanding of a revenues officer role and I am very interested to begin my career in the local government.

I have had the experience of assessing people’s suitability from my recruitment days, this included interviews and matching them to correct roles and seeing how they operate and I have had to keep accurate and detailed logs and notes regarding conversations and meetings that I have had.

I would like to enter the world of local government and would be happy to answer any questions that you may have with regard to my experiences.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my CV and covering letter and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Government Revenues Officer Cover Letter Example

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