
Get a Better Idea of Why an Employee Takes Sick Days at Work in the UK

Summary - When you are a UK employer, sick at your desk, and unable to work, the UK employee can claim statutory sick pay.... Therefore, in that case, how can one apply for work on ill leave application get to know here in this blog? Read here!

You must work in an office round the clock to maintain your working atmosphere. Working more or less in the office can restrict us from doing our duty systematically and regularly when sick. In that situation, there is a policy of taking Sick Days at Work leave! When you work in the UK, especially in any corporate sector, how can you apply for this sick day application to your organization? Get to know here in this blog right now! 

II. Sick Days at Work in the UK

When you are sick, taking Sick Days at Work leave is essential for your well-being and maintaining the company’s productivity. Primarily when working in the UK, contractual and statutory sick leave is only meant to ensure the worker needs necessary support when facing health-related challenges. 

In such a situation, you must know What Is Time Off In Lieu (TOIL), so you may utilise it in time of need.

A. Statutory Sick Leave Entitlement in the UK

When you are asking for Statutory sick leave entitlement in the UK, then this is regulated by the government. Who are very ill and unable to work due to severe illness or injury are included in a minimum level of protection employees under the SSP rule. 

Get to know them here; how many days off sickness whilst on annual leave can one apply for Statutory sick leave entitlement? 

To qualify for this sick leave encashment, one must be an employee and meet specific eligibility criteria, like having a contract of employment and informing their employer within the stipulated time frame.  

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B. How many Sick Days are Employees Entitled to?

How many Sick Days are Employees Entitled to

Under these current guidelines & regulations, an employee can take Sick Days at Work leave for 28 weeks of statutory sick leave. However, the exact date and timing of ill leave may vary depending on factors and circumstances, such as illness and injury.

Read more about sick leave policies on unpaid leave in the UK.

Note: One should know that the statutory sick leave is entitled to subject to a three-day waiting period, during which employees are not paid during their absence. 

C. Differences Between Contractual and Statutory Sick Leave

ContractualStatutory sick leave
Additional sick leave by the UK employer through a contractual agreement.Sick leave provides a minimum level of protection.
It is determined by the individual employment contracts or collective agreements negotiated between employers and trade unions.Government-entitled guidelines determine it.
Have more benefits.Have fewer benefits
Get extended sick pay leave or additional pay during sick leave.No such privileges; it is just a basic entitlement.
This leave can vary significantly depending on the terms of the employment agreement.It is fixed as per the government-entitled guidelines.
Get Full pay for a specified periodCan receive SSP for up to 28 weeks; during this period, they will get a set of pay determined by the government.

D. Eligibility Criteria for Sick Leave in the UK

Eligibility Criteria for ContractualEligibility criteria for Statutory sick leave
Contractual sick leave can vary from one employer to another.A contractor or freelancer is not entitled to this leave policy. Must be a full-time employee. It depends upon these criteria, such as: -
This leave policy is outlined in an employee’s employment contract or the employer’s sick leave policy-   Earning – The employee must earn an average of 120 pounds per week during the eight weeks, including nonworking days.
 -   Length of sick leave up to 28 weeks

III. Reporting Sick Days

You must follow specific notification requirements when reporting illness at work for sick leave in the UK. They include –

A. Timing and Frequency of Sick Leave Reporting

Timeliness: Notify your employer as soon as possible before you decide on a work shift or within a specified timeframe outlined by your employer.  

Absence duration: If you want more sick leave, inform your employer of the expected duration and exact time limit for shorter or longer absences.

Provide fit-for-work – certifications after returning to work.

Contact person: Contact the person you can report, like HR, supervisor, or manager.

Other methods of communication such as: –

·         By phone

·         Email

·         Online systems, or online company portals

IV. Sick Pay and Benefits

Sick Pay and Benefits

In the UK, employees who are unable to go to work due to some illness or sick then they are eligible for sick pay leave and other benefits such as; – 

  • Statutory Sick pay (SSP) is discussed earlier in the blog with the above table. 
  • Contractual sick pay  
  • Occupational sick pay 
  • Company sick pay schemes 
  • Employment and support allowance (ESA) 
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) 

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V. Employer’s Rights and Responsibilities

It is mandatory to give Sick Days at Work leave if it is needed to an employee. But in some cases, the employer may misuse the sick leave policy. How one can come to know; see the section below: – 

  • Denying legitimate sick leave  
  • Retaliation or Disciplinary action 
  • Intimidation or pressure 
  • Not supporting or accommodations for employees returning from sick leave 

If one employee may feel such practices, he has the right and protection under employment laws. They can raise their voices against their rights based on their circumstances and applicable laws. 

VI. Conclusion

Anyone seeking Sick Days at Work leaves can give doctor sick note rules in some instances, like ill and injured. A doctor’s note is proof that, yes, you are unable to work. Therefore, you may apply for sick day leave permission in your office. But, furnishing this doctor’s note, one must go through the criteria a company must have because every company has different requisite criteria. Read this blog to know more about sick day leave application submission in your company.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many sick days am I entitled to in the UK?

You can take sick leave per the government guideline; statutory sick leave is up to 28 weeks.     

2. What are the guidelines regarding sick leave in the UK?

There are two types of leave policy in the UK: 

Statutory Sick pay (SSP) is discussed earlier in the blog with the above table. – has to take sick leave for up to 28 weeks. Whereas Contractual sick pay is outlined in an employee’s employment contract or the employer’s sick leave policy 

 3. How do I report sick days at work in the UK?

Finish doctor sick note rules when one resumes work again

4. Can my employer request proof of illness during sick leave in the UK?

Yes, the employer can ask for proof of sick leave to show whether you are truly ill. 

5. Are sick days paid or unpaid in the UK?

Under Statutory Sick pay (SSP), the employee gets paid for at least four days. 

6. What happens if I won’t take sick days in the UK?

If you are not entitled under SSP, you might get paid at a rate of £99.35 per week for up to 28 weeks. 

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