
Volunteer Covering Letter Example

There are many reasons to work as a volunteer. Volunteer work covering letter examples can be ideal for you so take a look at the letter below and use it for free.

However, you should amend this letter sample as suitable before using it for job applications.

Volunteer Covering Letter Example

Ms Jane Brown
101 Any Road
Every Town

Mr John Smith
ABC Charity
All Streets
Any Town


Dear Mr Smith

Application for voluntary work

I am interested in volunteering within your organisation and enclose my CV for your consideration.

I understand that you regularly need volunteers to drive and arrange activities for elderly people in the community. As I am a reliable, friendly and patient person, I believe that I would enjoy these duties and would benefit your organisation by becoming a volunteer.


I have a stable employment record in the retail sector but, more importantly, have spent a significant amount of time over the last year caring for my grandmother. This has given me an appreciation of the needs and wishes of elderly people who are not able to rely upon the family.

I am keen to undertake any training that you may feel necessary to undertake the role and would be delighted to come to your offices to discuss my suitability. I am able to work flexible hours and feel sure that the work would be very rewarding.

Please feel free to contact me on either of the contact phone numbers specified on my CV.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely

Jane Brown

Volunteer Covering Letter Example

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