
Referral Cover Letter Example

Use this Referral cover letter example for your job applications after amending it as suitable. If you are referred by someone else this will take employers attention and they would give closer look at your application letter and CV.

Don’t forget to explain how you know the referral in the first paragraph of your cover letter so they can understand who is actually referring someone to their company.

Referral Cover Letter Example

Mr John Brown
222 Every Road
Any Town

Mrs Jane Smith
ABC Company
All Streets
Any Town


Dear Mrs Smith

Application for the post of General Manager

I am very interested in the above-advertised position and enclose my CV for your consideration. I am pleased to say that I know one of your previous Board members, Joe Brown and that he recommended that I apply for the post.

You will see from my CV that I have over ten years of management experience in the hospitality sector and have experience running mid-sized hotels and tourist attractions. I feel confident that my excellent people and leadership skills, flexible attitude and commercial awareness would make me ideally suited to this post. In addition to my general management experience, I can also deliver training courses and prepare financial budgets.

I have superb communications and customer service skills and would describe myself as unflappable, even in the most difficult situations. I have excellent IT skills and developed an expertise in using the internet to market the hotels in which I worked. I am used to presenting data and figures to owners and senior managers and have no issue with working unsocial hours.

I believe that I would be a valuable addition to your management team and give a professional face to the company. If you would like to take my application forward, I would be delighted to attend for interview to provide further information on my experience and abilities.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely

John Brown

Referral Cover Letter Example

We hope that this letter is useful for you. We can provide this example in PDF and Doc too so let us know if you need it in a different format rather than text.

We have hundreds of covering letters on this site which you can browse and download the ones you think you need for free of charge.

Good luck with your job hunting.

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