
Kennel Worker Cover Letter Example

If you are looking for work in a Kennel then you will have a keen interest in animals and enjoy working with them. As a kennel worker you will deal with customers bringing their pets

is usually when they are going on holiday, settle the animal (usual dogs) into their kennel for their stay and help clean out kennels, feed the dogs, take the dogs out for walks and playtime etc. You may have to look after a dog who is sick whilst they are staying at the kennel so you will need to be patient and caring towards animals and hardworking as they take a lot of looking after.

Starting salaries for Kennel workers are between £14,000 to £19,000 a year.

Experienced workers can earn around £16,000 a year. Salaries would be higher if they have management skills and responsibilities.

If you have found a role in which you want to apply for, please see the below covering letter which you can use as a guide.

Kennel Worker Cover Letter

Kennel Worker Cover Letter Example

John Brown
222 Every Road, Any Town, AA1 1BB
Mrs Jane Smith
ABC Company
All Streets
Any Town


Dear Sir/Madam,

Application for the role of Kennel Worker

I would like to apply for the role of Kennel Worker which I have seen advertised in (which publication, when and any job reference).

I have always been interested in working with animals and have always grown up with pets in particular dogs and just enjoy caring for them and watching them grow. Each dog has a different personality like humans and it’s nice to get to know and work with dogs.

I have a very calm and patient nature, I am also very caring and would really like to have a career working with animals. I am organised, accurate in my work, have experience in different foods and diets for dogs and how they should be made up.

I feel that I have excellent communication skills and can relate to different people as required.

Please find enclosed my CV for your consideration which highlights my skills and experiences. If youhave any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and CV and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Good luck.

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