
How to Write a CV: Top 7 Tips to Consider

Everyone knows what a well written CV can do when it comes to securing an interview. CVs are not obsolete so do not underestimate them.

Yes they are still being read whether by robots or humans.

CV Writing Tips 2021
CV Writing Tips 2021

Recruiters’ first action is to check out your CV when they see your application in the queue. That’s still the only way to find out whether you are suitable for the job or not until we have all been chipped!

CV tips are not the same every year. Trends are different every other day. It’s been decades since we stopped using paper & printed CV’s however top tips on CV writing are still the same! Also, this knowledge will help you in avoiding common CV mistakes and help you secure a better job.

Though you should update yourself on the latest hiring indicators of UK recruiters to maximise your chances of success.

Covid-19 pandemic made jobseekers’ jobs even more difficult. They have to compete with even more people now. Recruiters have to choose the best candidates from a list which has thousands of people in. They just cross your name out for a simple spelling mistake!

Take the CV writing step very seriously. Any job application will need a CV even on an online job application. They will still ask you to upload your CV so they can extract your details onto their system.


#1 Spelling & Grammar

I can have some grammatical and spelling mistakes on my article here. I wouldn’t lose much and be corrected by our sensitive guests 🙂 however no one will correct you if you make a mistake on your CV! instead they will just click the X near your name or number!

How can I check spelling and grammar mistakes on my CV? Known word processors can check your writing easily however they are not very efficient. Use some other spell checkers online such as Grammarly etc.

#2 Keep your CV clean and tidy

Avoid using unnecessary information and keep it nice and short. No one will take more than 20 seconds to read your CV! Personal profile, Work experience and Relevant skills are the most important things on your CV.

#3 Do not use same personal profile for every job application

Tailor your profile to every job you apply for. Match your qualities with the role you are intending to get. Do not make it too long. 150-200 words will do nicely. Try and answer following questions on your CV personal profile:

  • Who are you?
  • What can you offer the company?
  • What are your career goals?

#4 Only most recent jobs should be listed on your work history

You don’t have to list your previous jobs by date. List them by relevance. List most relevant jobs to the employer. This will save the employer to waste time looking for relevant work experience on your CV.

Use bullet points and make sure to add your duties, key responsibilities etc. Jobs that are more than 10 years old can be deleted unless they are your most recent ones.

#5 Don’t forget the robots when writing your CV

Many companies even the small ones are using Applicant Tracking Systems. These softwares are much more efficient than humans. They check your CV in no time. CVs that are irrelevant, have mistakes or simply not good enough will be eliminated by the robots and your CV won’t be seen by human eyes at all.

Research the company to understand what they are looking for. Optimise your CV to make it ATS friendly. Use relevant keywords and avoid the ones that are not suitable with the role you are applying for.

#6 Get your CV seen by someone before sending it to the employer

It doesn’t matter how many times you look, you may not see the mistakes lying on your CV so it’s best to get it checked by someone else. You can get professional help however it won’t be free.

I can’t stress this enough how important it is to get your CV right so make sure that it is fully ready before being sent to the employer.

#7 No designer templates, no fancy colours! keep it traditional

Recruiters want to see things in a particular structure. Changing the design, mixing the information will just make their work harder and your chances of getting the job slimmer.

Designer templates don’t work for the Applicant Tracking Softwares anyway so keep it simple and traditional.

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Jessica Lamb
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