
Pest Control Cover Letter Example

If you are looking for a role as a Pest Control person then you will have done some training and be experienced in what to look for, what is classed as a pest and how to deal with these situations. You will also need to be a client facing person as you will spend the majority of your time in people’s homes and businesses dealing with mice, rats and other problems and infestations. You will need to follow strict procedures in terms of getting rid of any pests in properties and follow this up in a planned timescale.

If you have found a role you want to apply for, please see the below example which you can use as a guide:

Pest Control Cover Letter

Pest Control Cover Letter

Mr. A. Employee
1, My House
Any Street
This Town
PO57 3DE


Mrs. A. Manager
The Company
Employment Street
That Town
PO57 3DE

Dear Sir/Madam,

Application for the role of Pest Control

I would like to apply for the role of Pest Control and have seen your advert in (where) and (when).

I have worked in a similar role before at the local council checking for unwanted pests in street tunnels, car parks etc and feel that I am now ready for a fresh challenge and a more customer facing role.

I currently work on my own initiative and mostly on my own but as part of a wider team area. I am able to liaise well with my colleagues and Managers and feel that I would be good in a customer facing role meeting different people, assessing their problems and needs and ensuring that I do everything possible to eradicate these problems for the customers.

I have a very professional manner and work in an organised and structured way. I am a good communicator both orally and written and always ensure that I complete my paperwork appropriately and file correctly as it is important to keep this information safe and secure.

I have enclosed my CV for your interest. Should you be interested in my skills and experience please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and CV.

Yours sincerely


Good luck.

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Ethan Lloyd
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