
Adult Nurse Cover Letter Example

As an adult nurse, you will care for people over the age of 18 years of age. These people will be ill, injured or have some mental or physical disability which you will need to care for.

You will need to be qualified to do this role and have done some practical hospital setting experience. You will need to have a lot of patience to do this role and to be able to listen and communicate well.

Nurses can earn around between £23,388 and £29,901 a year. If the Nurse have experience then the salary can be around £29,500 to around £40,000.

If you are looking for help on your covering letter, please see the below example: (make sure that you have amended following letter before using for your job applications.)

Adult Nurse Cover Letter

Adult Nurse Cover Letter Example

Mr. A. Employee
1, My House
Any Street
This Town
PO57 3DE


Mrs. A. Manager
The Company
Employment Street
That Town
PO57 3DE

Dear Sir/Madam,

Application for the role of Adult Nurse

I would like to apply for the role of Adult Nurse which you have advertised in (where) on (when). Please find enclosed my CV detailing my qualifications and experiences.

I enjoy working with patients and caring for them. I am experienced in taking a patients temperature, checking their blood pressure and taking blood, giving injections and medication etc. I work with a variety of patients and range of illnesses or injuries and like the variety of my work.

I feel that I have excellent listening skills which is essential in this role and I am very caring. I like people to get better in a pleasant environment which is stress free when they already have enough to worry about.

I communicate well with colleagues and relatives and other medical professionals and feel that this is an important part of my role. I am organised and thorough. I pay great attention to detail and like to spend time with my patients so they feel they are getting the care they deserve.

I have enclosed my CV which details the skills and qualifications that I have. If you have any questions related to my experiences, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

Yours sincerely


Good luck with writing your letter of application.

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