
Financial Services Customer Adviser Cover Letter

If you have seen a financial services customer adviser role that you would like to apply for then you need to have experience of dealing with customers over the telephone, by email, face to face etc. Depending on the financial situation will depend on whether you work in a call centre or banking environment. You … Read more

Accounting Technician Cover Letter Example

If you are looking to apply for an Accounting Technician role and would like some guidance on how to write a cover letter, please see the below example. In an Accounting Technician role, you will deal with all matters of accounting and finance in many numbers of different businesses. You would need to have experience … Read more

Financial Advisor CV Example

A financial advisor helps their clients to make decisions about financial products and services. You will need to be able to explain financial products to clients with no financial knowledge.

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CV Example for a Bank Cashier

An important part of being a bank cashier is the fact that you are responsible for the money. You need to show that you are trustworthy. Therefore make sure that you mention anything which will show this on your CV.

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